The Following documents duly attested should be submitted in the school office or sent online within seven working days of the Registration process Failing which the offer will stand cancelled and the seat will be passed on to the next student in the waiting list :-
1- Pre-Primary and Grade I – Original Birth Certificate should be submitted
2- Grade II onward – Original School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate and attested photocopy of report card of the previous class
3- Four recent passport size photographs of the student (not more than 6 month old photo) and photographs of the parents.
4-Admission will be confirmed only after the registration fees, security deposit, admission fees and 1st quarter fees have been deposited within five days of confirmation of admission.
5- Fee once paid will not be refunded in any circumstances.
The cut-off date for age criteria for admissions every year is 15th October. Below is the grade wise eligibility for the child according to their completed age on 15th October.